Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The best and worst feelings

So I haven't touched my blog in quite awhile. Here I am trying to make up for my lack of commitment.

One of the best things happened recently. I went over to my friends house and her mom told me the funniest thing. She had been on the computer trying to find a picture of the Stockholm Sweden Temple and most of the pictures were linked to blogs. So she read through some of them. Then she came across a blog that was about that temple and how the person's best friends parents were married there. She thought how funny it would be if it was about them. She read some of the other posts and figured out that it was my blog! She was like "It was about us!". It made me happy!

Here's something else that happened that day.. I am almost ashamed of this... I watched "Breaking Dawn"...In theater. It was horrible.
Let me tell you how this came about. It was at the same time that I went to my friends house. She wanted to go the movie that night, but no one wanted to go with her. I, being the nice person I am, decided to volunteer. I told her I would go, that is if my mom let me. I wasn't really expecting my mom to let me go so it was kinda weird when she did. Next thing I know I'm sitting in a theater mini barfing in my mouth. That movie was very...Yikes. But I don't regret at all that I saw it. Now I am able to poke fun at it all I want. No one can tell me that I have no right making fun of twlight because I've never seen any of the movies. Since this is no longer the case I am able to go on my merry-twilight-hating way.

So all in all that was a very fulfilling night.


Suki Lotti said...

Mini barfing... exactly! Also love the background/layout.